The Nottawasaga Ontario Provincial Police and Town of New Tecumseth recognizes the importance of skateboarding as an unstructured form of recreation for the physical and creative well-being of its citizens of all ages and skill sets. “All Wheels Legacy Project” as a supplement to its Recreation and Parks Master Plan. Nottawasaga OPP (Provincial Constable Joseph Chamberlain Youth Officer) and New Line Skate parks partnered to undertake the strategy and provide a concept design for the Town’s priority All Wheels park site. The report findings are informed by: establishment of needed All Wheels park area based on youth and rider population calculations, an in-depth urban analysis of New Tecumseth parks network, meetings/correspondences with Town staff and members of Council, and Open House feedback from New Tecumseth All Wheels community.
BMHS/Honda Associate - Brinley
BMHS - Levi
Georgian College - Miles
BMHS - Noelani
BMHS - Charlie